This essay deals with the problem of a positive character in Jules Verne’s books. I will try to cover this topic on the example of the novel "The Mysterious Island".

Among all the works of Jules Verne, "The Mysterious Island" occupies a special place. It talks about how good the world can become when people learn to live peacefully in it.

When I finished reading this novel, I wanted to put myself in the place of the personages, to be near them.

Who are they, the characters in this novel?

Four men and one boy find themselves on a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean. Once on the island, they appear to be attractive people, because they have managed to become a friendly group. Preserving this friendship is helped by the personal qualities of each inhabitant of the island: the bright organizational talent of Sayers Smith, the strength and loyalty of his Negro servant Nab, the energy of journalist Gedeon Spilett, the skills of sailor Penkroff, the youthful enthusiasm of Herbert. But their common quality was decency and a sense of mutual helpfulness. Mentally I assessed my abilities, comparing myself to Sayers Smith. Could I be a leader in a team? After all, a leader is not someone who wants to command, but someone with whose opinion everyone around agrees without hesitation and accepts his/her decisions. Everyone on this island was sure of him. Why?


First, he is a decent man, an engineer, inventor, scientist, capable of accomplishing any feat for the sake of achieving his goal.

Secondly, he has a bright organizational talent, thanks to which he was able to rally all the inhabitants of the mysterious island around him. I believe that without a leader like him, they would have died.

Thirdly, and the most importantly, he is always with the team in the fight for survival. And they won, because one was for all and all for one.

I believe the future belongs to people like Sayers Smith and in, my opinion, he is the positive character in Jules Verne's novel «The Mysterious Island».

Земенков Матвей Игоревич, ученик 9 Б класса МАОУ СОШ № 12 имени маршала Советского Союза К.К. Рокоссовского г. Великие Луки Псковской области 

Учитель английского языка Тимофеева Марина Алексеевна