Jules Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" presents readers with a multifaceted protagonist in Captain Nemo. Stereotypically, the main character is someone a reader can relate to, someone possessing good qualities. That conversely results in the readers sympathizing to the side characters as they are more humane and complex. Jules Verne, notable for his thinking out of the box, presents readers with Captain Nemo, a multifaceted, controversial protagonist, whose motifs result in heated discussion and whose moral compass never points in one direction.

Captain Nemo is a character whose positive or negative qualities are open to interpretation. However, I’ve always seen him in a positive way as like in real life, never have I seen a person unflawed. Even the best of us have a shadow side they learn to live in peace with and Nemo, with all his complexity, neurotic tendencies, and a natural for the people of science habit to relentlessly doubt, handles his shade pretty well.

Here, we'll dwell upon some aspects of his character that may lead some readers to see him in a positive light.

Firstly, the layered personality of Captain Nemo is a result of his undeterred process of mental work. He never ceases to make new conclusions, questioning his beliefs, and thinking beyond the limits- the qualities he might have inherited from Jules Verne himself. The qualities of a natural-born philosopher those are. And that’s why this person will never stop growing and getting better.

Additionally, his insatiable curiosity and his commitment to exploring the depths of the oceans shows a wonderful example of the rule “Do what you love and love what you do”.

Secondly, Captain Nemo's desire for independence, as well as his self-sufficiency aboard the Nautilus, is a consequence of his rebellion against the social norms and injustices he couldn’t ignore. It shows how far from the indifference Nemo actually is, since many people choose to never think about the problems of other social and racial groups and the global problems, we all a part of.

Thirdly, while Captain Nemo's methods can be extreme at times, his protection of the ocean from destruction can be considered a noble cause. He shows a deep care for the environment and works to prevent the exploitation of the marine life, which aligns with contemporary concerns about environmental conservation.

To sum up, while Captain Nemo does not conform to traditional heroic ideals, his enigmatic and fluid personality provoke many thoughts in readers’ minds and coax them to look in depth of their own morals. And, dare I say, it is the most humane and positive thing to do!

Громова Виктория, студентка 4 курса

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