Among the works of Jules Verne, "The Mysterious Island" occupies a special place. Although it is included in the trilogy of the writer's best novels (it also includes "Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea" and "Captain Grant's Children"), it is still different in that it is a little connected with the topic of underwater navigation, a little with aeronautics, a little with the use of electrical energy. All this variety of problems and questions is understandable — we are facing another "robinsonade".
And "robinsonades" require solving many problems. But most of all they remember this novel when they talk about how good the world can become when people manage to live peacefully on it. Precisely because a small collective of the inhabitants of the island managed to create their own world of workers, this novel is called a utopia.
Бабенко Елена Александровна, библиотекарь
библиотеки – филиала с.Стародубского МБУК "Буденновская централизованная библиотечная система" Ставропольского края