«Michelle wanted to run away from this sight, but tripped over an open box. Rising, he saw an electric battery in it. Consciousness returned to him, he understood! No more heads were chopped off. Killed with an electric charge. This way the justice of heaven was better imitated. Michelle let out a desperate cry and disappeared into the darkness».

This discovery is still valid at the moment. Several states in the United States use the electric chair as a death sentence. Jules Verne predicted the appearance of this type of execution in the world, but in his home country, guillotines were used decades.

Чувахина Анастасия Алексеевна, ученица 9 Б класса МАОУ СОШ № 12 имени маршала Советского Союза К.К. Рокоссовского г. Великие Луки Псковской области 

Учитель английского языка - Тимофеева Марина Алексеевна.