«Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas» part one, chapter 13

«When you're at a depth of 1,000 meters, the Nautilus's plating bears a pressure of 100 atmospheres. If at this point you want to empty the supplementary ballast tanks in order to lighten your boat and rise to the surface, your pumps must overcome that pressure of 100 atmospheres, which is 100 kilograms per each square centimeter. This demands a strength»

«…That electricity alone can give me», Captain Nemo said swiftly. «Sir, I repeat: the dynamic power of my engines is nearly infinite. The Nautilus's pumps have prodigious strength, as you must have noticed when their waterspouts swept like a torrent over the Abraham Lincoln. Besides, I use my supplementary ballast tanks only to reach an average depth of 1,500 to 2,000 meters, and that with a view to conserving my machinery. Accordingly, when I have a mind to visit the ocean depths two or three vertical leagues beneath the surface, I use maneuvers that are more time- consuming but no less infallible».

I think this invention is still relevant because electricity is really an infinite energy that has been living since the very beginning of the universe. It cannot end, this energy only needs to be converted into an electric current. With the help of the electric current, you can do so much, while spending not as many resources as it would seem necessary.

Jules Verne also predicted how submarines would develop. It is quite evident from the «Nautilus», which is similar to modern submarines.

Рудомёткина Елизавета Алексеевна, ученица 9 Б класса МАОУ СОШ №12 имени маршала Советского Союза К.К. Рокоссовского г. Великие Луки Псковской области 

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