Артем Мельников читает стихотворение «My Mother»

Артем Мельников (г. Абакан, Республика Хакасия) читает стихотворение на английском языке «My Mother» (by Ann Taylor).

Полный текст стихотворения.

Ann Taylor (1783 –1866) was a poet and literary critic. Born in England to a successful and well-educated family, she and her sister Jane, who is best known for the classic children’s verse, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” wrote a number of children’s books. Ann also wrote a number of hymns. A devoted advocate of animal welfare, Ann also took an active interest in social issues. Widowed in her late sixties, she wrote prolifically and traveled extensively until her death.


Елена Шаврова читает басню Владимира Корбана «Бобриха и лиса»

Елена Шаврова (г. Орша, Витебская обл., Беларусь), библиотекарь филиала № 12 ГУК «Оршанская централизованная библиотечная система», читает на белорусском языке басню Владимира Корбана «Бобриха и лиса».