The Fifteen-year-old Captain

Jules Verne's book "The Fifteen-year-old Captain", I like it because reading it, I do not freely begin to empathize with Dick Sand and am proud of him, his courage, bravery, fearlessness and dedication.
It seems to me that the mere fact that Dick, at the age of fifteen, was not afraid to enter into an argument and confrontation with a man much older and more experienced than him, an insidious and ruthless criminal who presented himself as Negoro, can already be considered courage. I believe that without such a captain as Dick Sand, the passengers and crew of the Pilgrim would have expected either slavery or death. I'm sure Dick has done a lot more than people his age do.
But from my point of view, we should not forget about the other participants in the novel, because it was Hercules who guessed that the "America" to which they arrived was actually not America, but Africa. And in general, all the people who were on the "Pilgrim" helped each other as the most loyal and devoted friends: firstly, when Dick was overcome with doubts, everyone supported him; secondly, when the gang of Negoro captured them, people fearlessly fought back; thirdly, when there was an opportunity to escape Hercules helped his comrades to carry out this plan; fourthly, when there was the last, decisive battle, everyone fought together and selflessly, to the victorious end, no matter what and thinking only about saving his comrades, even Uncle Benedict did not look at what he could not see without his glasses, which he was smashed by a false conductor. Even the dog that the people of the "Pilgrim" saved from death helped them, and remained faithful until the end of his life. I read this book and perceived every character who was able to help others in spite of everything as very strong and courageous people. In Jules Verne, all the characters seem to come to life, it is very interesting to read and it is easy to understand who is negative, who is positive, who is the standard of a strong and persistent person.

Кузнецова Анастасия, ученица 8 В класса МБОУ «Лицей № 4 Многопрофильный» г. Пскова

Учитель английского языка: Ерёменко Елена Петровна.

Through the thorns to the center of the Earth

Scientific discoveries provided Jules Verne a great scope for imagination and justified his characters. His idea reads as follows: the world full of secrets must provoke people whose main purpose is to reveal and explain in scientific language all of them. An example of such a person is the character of Jules Verne’s novel titled “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, Professor Otto Lidenbrock.

His personality couldn’t be fully described through his academic degree: professor of geology, although it certainly indicates the presence of in-depth knowledge of the subject. Otto Lidenbrock appears to be an expert in many domains of science. He proves himself as an excellent linguist fluent in Latin and able to read ancient runes. Sometimes he finds himself a passionate bibliomane and sincerely admires the ancient original texts. All these and many other studied spheres show us a very original person whose wide horizons of knowledge characterize him as an extremely active and stubborn researcher. The professor is always ready to take part in the scientific discussion. He is acquainted with many scientific figures, and his name is well-known in academic schools. On the other hand, Otto Lidenbrock as a really passionate person is also known for his short temper, which is expressed not so much in the sharpness of speech as in the impulsive behavior. What is the gait worth, when one step equals  nearly two meters in length and the fists are always tightly clenched. “He was a very learned man. Now most persons in this category supply themselves with information, as peddlers do with goods, for the benefit of others... Not so my excellent uncle, Professor Hardwigg; he studied, he consumed the midnight oil, he pored over heavy tomes, and digested huge quartos and folios in order to keep the knowledge acquired to himself”, says his nephew and an unwitting accomplice of an expedition to the center of the Earth. Like any other person, Otto Lidenbrock has his own negative qualities and they turn him from an ordinary scientist to a fearless researcher. Where any person will think twice before facing the unknown, Otto Lidenbrock won’t lose a second.

This is the way Jules Verne shows us, Professor Otto Lidenbrock in the book. An impulsive and jealous researcher, he is the embodiment of human curiosity - the engine for development. His example shows that striving for knowledge is the greatest feat of man.

Иванова Дарья, студентка 4 курса

направления 45.03.02 «Лингвистика», профиль «Иностранный язык и иностранный язык (английский / немецкий)»

Факультета русской филологии и иностранных языков

Института гуманитарных наук и языковых коммуникаций

Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Псковский государственный университет»


Which of Jules Verne's literary heroes can be considered a positive character and why? 

Harry Grant, this is a character from the work of Jules Verne "Children of Captain Grant" who is not just a captain of the Britannia, but a real researcher who wants to make new discoveries. He is also a brave and generous Scot from a noble family. A true patriot of his country, ready to do a lot for the glory of Scotland and for the benefit of its people. He is married to Lady Helen, whom he fell in love with for her firm character and kind in search of Captain Grant.

Why do I consider him as a positive character? I think so because he is sacrificial for the sake of his family, loves extremely much and is ready to defend his family and country. I believe that such a character as he can be called positive because of his views on life and values.

Миронова Мария, ученица МБОУ «Лицей № 4 «Многопрофильный» г. Пскова

Эссе Жарковой Карины на тему «Кого из литературных героев Жюля Верна можно считать положительным персонажем и почему».

I spent a lot of time with the books. They open a world full of adventures to me.

Books of Jules Verne show manners and customs of other countries and continents.

Most of all I like «The Mysterious Island». Cyrus Smith is positive and very interesting character.

He is well-informed. His mind and patience helped colonists to survive. Thank to his persistence all people at the island achieved prosperity on a desert island.

The whole crew trusted Smith. He organized everything very well.

Even in the most difficult situations Cyrus found the right solution.

I think, it is very important in life of every man.

Жаркова Карина, ученица 8 «А» класса МБОУ «Лицей» № 4 "Многопрофильный" г. Пскова.


Dick Send («The Fifteen-year-Old Captain»)

 This essay deals with a positive character from the book by Jules Verne. Jules Verne created many positive personages. They are ready for a feat or sacrifice, they are distinguished by strength, courage, fearlessness and generosity. But all of them are completely different and unique.

I consider Dick Send («The Fifteen-year-Old Captain») to be a positive character. Dick Sand grew up in an orphanage. The boy was smart, at the age of four he could already read, write and count. At the age of eight, he went as a cabin boy on a ship, where he proved himself so well that Captain Hull introduced him to the owner of the ship, Weldon, and he sent the guy to school.

At the age of fifteen, Dick stepped onto the deck of one of Weldon's best ships, the Pilgrim, as a novice sailor. An accident happened: the captain died during the trip. Dick took full responsibility for the lives of the crew and passengers. He had to survive the shipwreck, the cruel deception of Negoro, and a terrible journey through the African jungles and swamps. But he didn't take care of himself, worrying about the fate of Mrs. Weldon, little Jack and his other friends.

 Savvy, endurance, courage and responsibility, and good friends of course helped Dick to save himself and others. That's why I believe him to be a great person and a positive character.

 Рудомёткина Елизавета Алексеевна, ученица 9 Б класса МАОУ СОШ №12 имени маршала Советского Союза К.К. Рокоссовского г. Великие Луки Псковской области 

Учитель английского языка - Тимофеева Марина Алексеевна