"The Mysterious Island"

Among the works of Jules Verne, "The Mysterious Island" occupies a special place. Although it is included in the trilogy of the writer's best novels (it also includes "Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea" and "Captain Grant's Children"), it is still different in that it is a little connected with the topic of underwater navigation, a little with aeronautics, a little with the use of electrical energy. All this variety of problems and questions is understandable — we are facing another "robinsonade". 

And "robinsonades" require solving many problems. But most of all they remember this novel when they talk about how good the world can become when people manage to live peacefully on it. Precisely because a small collective of the inhabitants of the island managed to create their own world of workers, this novel is called a utopia.

Бабенко Елена Александровна, библиотекарь

библиотеки – филиала с.Стародубского МБУК "Буденновская централизованная библиотечная система" Ставропольского края


About submarines in the fantastic works by Jules Verne "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea" and "The Mysterious Island"

“Captain Nemo stood up. I followed him. Contrived at the rear of the dining room, a double door opened, and I entered a room whose dimensions equaled the one I had just left.
It was a library. Tall, black-rosewood bookcases, inlaid with copperwork, held on their wide shelves a large number of uniformly bound books. These furnishings followed the contours of the room, their lower parts leading to huge couches upholstered in maroon leather and curved for maximum comfort. Light, movable reading stands, which could be pushed away or pulled near as desired, allowed books to be positioned on them for easy study. In the center stood a huge table covered with pamphlets, among which some newspapers, long out of date, were visible. Electric light flooded this whole harmonious totality, falling from four frosted half globes set in the scrollwork of the ceiling. I stared in genuine wonderment at this room so ingeniously laid out, and I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

This passage describes the Nautilus, Captain Nemo's fictional submarine. We can read about submarines in the fantastic works by Jules Verne "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea" and "The Mysterious Island".

The discovery of Jules Verne remains relevant in our time. A lot of scientists were inspired by his "Nautilus" and invented modern submarines. Jules Verne made a great contribution to the history of underwater navigation.

Альхимович Виктория, 

ученица 9 Б класса МАОУ СОШ № 12 имени маршала Советского Союза К.К. Рокоссовского г. Великие Луки Псковской области

(учитель английского языка - Тимофеева Марина Алексеевна).

Эссе Анастасии Федоровны Акимовой

Истории невероятных приключений героев Жюля Верна до сих пор остаются эталоном блестящего синтеза двух жанров: научной фантастики и приключенческого романа. Автор, описывающий научно-фантастические открытия, искренне верил в научный прогресс и наделил своих персонажей таким энтузиазмом первооткрывателей, что читатели искренне разделяют их оптимизм. В романах Верна главный герой – наука, вернее, – человек в ней. Человек -  преобразователь реальности, уверенный в том, что может сделать её лучше, раскрыв секреты мира на пользу всем людям. Технические изобретения, чудеса природы, невероятные открытия совершаются и передаются читателю глазами интересных, харизматичных героев, которые душой болеют за прогресс науки. Жюль Верн заставляет читающую публику во всём мире воспринимать немыслимые, передовые и одновременно научные и фантастические идеи абсолютно реально.

Поэтому и сейчас этот великий писатель остаётся идеальным автором для «подрастающего поколения. У него всё ясно: человек должен быть добр и честен, храбр и верен друзьям. А ещё он обязан использовать свои силы на благо общества. И тогда он неизбежно победит, а злодеи будут обязательно наказаны.                            

Из всего выше сказанного ясно, что невероятные открытия и реалистичные герои Жюля Верна актуальны и по сей день.

Акимова Анастасия Федоровна,

библиотекарь библиотеки-филиала № 1 МБУК «Буденновская ЦБС» Ставропольского края


Inventions of Jules Verne in his works

Эссе Софьи Лукиной, студентки 3 курса (группа 0452-05) направления 45.03.02 "Лингвистика", профиль «Перевод и межкультурная коммуникация» Факультета русской филологии и иностранных языков Института гуманитарных наук и языковых коммуникаций ФГБОУ ВО «Псковский государственный университет».

Jules Verne is a French writer, a classic of adventure literature, one of the founders of the genre of science fiction. According to UNESCO statistics, his books are the second most translatable in the world, yielding only to the works of Agatha Christie.

More than one generation has grown up on his novels, and Verne himself is called the "father" of science fiction. Despite the fact that most of his works are considered children's literature, in his novels the man described in detail technologies and events that turned into reality many years later.

It is striking that so many inventions seemed to be fiction during the life of Jules Verne, but now we use many technologies that were previously described in his books.

I would like to consider the story "The Day of an American journalist in 2889".

The work was written in 1889 together with his son.

The writer put forward an idea close to what today can be called video communication. A device called telephote allowed people to communicate with each other over long distances. He transmitted images using sensitive mirrors connected by wires.

Quote from the book:

“The telephone, completed by the telephote, is another of our time's conquests! Though the transmission of speech by the electric current was already very old, it was only since yesterday that vision could also be transmitted. A valuable discovery, and Francis Bennett was by no means the only one to bless its inventor when, in spite of the enormous distance between them, he saw his wife appear in the telephotic mirror.”

Admires how the writer is ahead of time, because the first device that could transmit an image was a TV and it appeared only in 1925!

What the writer depicted can be called a smartphone with video communication.

At that time, Jules Verne did not know that a camera, social networks, and credit card data could be placed in one small box, but he still looked into the future with his thoughts.

Now a huge number of people use video communication, not only for chatting, but also to conduct lessons and conferences. It has become an integral and habitual part of our life, while at one time the writer was considered a dreamer.

But who knows, maybe the inventors were inspired by the works of Jules Verne?

Эссе Мелании Просянкиной

Эссе Мелании Просянкиной, студентки 3 курса (группа 0452-05) направления 45.03.02 "Лингвистика", профиль «Перевод и межкультурная коммуникация» Факультета русской филологии и иностранных языков Института гуманитарных наук и языковых коммуникаций ФГБОУ ВО «Псковский государственный университет».

Nowadays many people take technologies for granted. It is easy to do so: we live in the world of science, where gadgets and artificial intelligence thrive, and any information possible is ready to be found within just a click. With an emerging of so-called «digital natives» the lack of curiosity appeared: why bother oneself with learning new things if everything you would ever need is in one`s hands? It wasn't always like this. The world used to be a mysterious place for the human kind. Many had tried to solve its secrets, and many did through constant questioning and wondering. So did the father of modern-days science fiction, the most translated French author, a prophet, as many refer to him, Jules Verne.

There is a legend that in 1839, at the age of 11, Verne secretly got a job as a cabin boy with the intention of going to India. In the evening, the ship stopped in Bombay, where Verne's father arrived to pick up his son and make him promise to travel "only in his imagination." Since those times, Jules had discovered that one does not have to be a scientist or a traveler to be a man of a brilliant mind: he decided to devote his life to the world of literature. His works are known due to his predictions and “inventions”. One of the most influential novels is “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas”.

The novel was released in 1869-1870, and it had an immediate success. It tells the story of three men who go to sea in search of a giant whale. They are captured by Captain Nemo abord a giant electric submarine – the Nautilus. The submarine had comfortable compartments with rooms of fine arts and, according to Captain Nemo's words, it had the shape of a cigar. Its length was 70 meters. As the main character, Professor Aronnax, learns more about the Nautilus, the marvels Captain Nemo has seen and he becomes less willing to escape from the submarine. He begins to idolize Captain Nemo and the life of pure exploration that he initially seems to be leading.

It needs reminding that in the second half of the XIX century no things of such power and vastness were known to people. Verne had a chance to examine such a wonder during the second world`s fair in Paris, where a submarine propelled by mechanical power was presented. However, it didn`t have the speed of Nautilus, which Verne had described as around 80 kilometers per hour. To compare, Plongeur, which had inspired the author, had the speed of maximum 9 kilometers. Of course, electricity was another uncommon mystery driving Verne to enhance the features of the submarine. In the book Captain Nemo describes electricity as "a powerful agent, obedient, rapid, easy, which conforms to every use, and reigns supreme on board my vessel.” Verne's influence extends beyond literature and film into the world of science and technology, where he inspired generations of scientists, inventors, and explorers. In 1954 the United States Navy launched the world's first nuclear-powered submarine, named for Nautilus.

To conclude, Jules Verne had created and forecasted much more, than a submarine, but till modern days the bottom of oceans are not fully understood by people. May the works of this prominent author encourage your inquisitiveness and inspire for later discoveries.