For the Households and Beyond

“Is it not evident, then, I ask you, that there will some day appear velocities far greater than these, of which light or electricity will probably be the mechanical agent?”.

This quote is taken from chapter XIX of Jules Verne’s “From the Earth to the Moon: A Direct Route in 97 Hours 20 Minutes” (first published in 1865).

 It may certainly be interpreted as a prediction of solar sails – a technology used in contemporary spacecrafts. This mechanism helps to save energy in space missions since the apparatus is powered by sunlight and makes use of solar pressure which all spacecrafts are affected by.

The invention stays current and even vital nowadays because successful launches with the use of such technology have started just recently, not more than fifteen years ago. Therefore, it is going to be in use for the upcoming decades – at least until we come up with a technology more advanced than the one we have.

Solar sail crafts are now cheaper than regular chemical rockets, yet they possess higher speed and durability (which means they might be used not once, but repeatedly).

Not only is it employed in the space industry, but also in much more everyday spheres. This technology is closely related to solar panels and solar power in general. And it becomes more widespread day by day. We live in the age of global warming which demands lessening the carbon dioxide emissions to keep the planet habitable. Green energy is an immanent trend of today, one of its most acclaimed forms of it is solar power. Though it is still rather expensive solar panels are likely to be the most harmless alternative to common power stations. Besides, many regions are gripped by the energy crisis that has unfolded in the past two years. Generally speaking, solar power – as an inexhaustible source of energy – is needed today like never before.

In conclusion, we should note that this particular prediction made by Jules Verne is not just current to this day, but seems to be obtaining more importance in the near future. Both the spacecraft industry and households largely benefit from solar power.

Никогосов Антон, студент 4 курса

направления 45.03.02 «Лингвистика», профиль «Иностранный язык и иностранный язык (английский / французский)»

Факультета русской филологии и иностранных языков

Института гуманитарных наук и языковых коммуникаций

Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Псковский государственный университет»

Prophetic Ink: Jules Verne’s Envision of Submarine Development

A voiceless protagonist of Verne’s novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Seas, The Nautilius, may not have been the first apparatus to be called a “submarine” but it certainly was a tempting fantasy of what submarines could become.

Verne named the Nautilus after Robert Fulton’s real-life submarine prototype Nautilus from 1800. Before creating Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Seas, Jules Verne studied a model of the brand new French Navy submarine “Plongeur” at the 1867 Exposition Universelle, which inspirited him to design his own underwater explorer.

The end of the 19th century was a period of intensive submarine development, yet all the apparatuses were designed strictly for the military purposes. Prolonged shape and chisel bow of Plongeur left little space for imagination regarding its exploration in non-military fields.

For a truly visionary like Jules Verne, it has taken just one encounter to fully grasp the potential of a submarine and depict it in his novel almost as we know this machine in the 21st century.

Captain Nemo, the main character of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Seas, describes the Nautilus as follows:

“Here, M. Aronnax, are the several dimensions of the boat you are in. It is an elongated cylinder with conical ends. It is very like a cigar in shape, a shape already adopted in London in several constructions of the same sort. The length of this cylinder, from stem to stern, is exactly 70 m, and its maximum breadth is eight metres. It is not built on a ratio of ten to one like your long-voyage steamers, but its lines are sufficiently long, and its curves prolonged enough, to allow the water to slide off easily, and oppose no obstacle to its passage. These two dimensions enable you to obtain by a simple calculation the surface and cubic contents of the Nautilus. Its area measures 1011.45 square metres; and its contents 1,500.2 cubic metres; that is to say, when completely immersed it displaces 1500.2 cubic metres of water, or 1500.2 metric tons.”

Concerning technical characteristics, Jules Verne’s predictions can come across as somewhat outdated. The novel is set in the 1860s, and the technology described was fictional at the time. The submarine Nautilus was a marvel of its era, but modern technology has far surpassed the capabilities of Verne's imagination. For instance, now, underwater exploration is carried out using advanced submarines, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)- the technologies, people in the 18th century could barely foresee.

However, not diminishing the writer’s outstanding ability to think beyond his time, it should be stated, that nobody before him could think of the way for a submarine to explore, not to damage. For it to house people, not be pointed at them.

As it follows, much of the ship is decorated to standards of luxury that are unequalled in a seagoing vessel of the time. These include a library with boxed collections of valuable oceanic specimens that are unknown to science at the time, expensive paintings, and several collections of jewels. The Nautilus also includes a galley for preparing these foods, which includes a machine that makes drinking water from seawater through distillation.

To summarize, while not all of Jules Verne’s prophecies have been implemented in reality, the scientists of all times have considered him one of their main sources of inspiration, a forerunner of many technologies we know today.

Громова Виктория, студентка 4 курса

направления 45.03.02 «Лингвистика», профиль «Иностранный язык и иностранный язык (английский / французский)» 

Факультета русской филологии и иностранных языков

Института гуманитарных наук и языковых коммуникаций

Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Псковский государственный университет»

Цитата из произведения Жюля Верна об использовании электрической энергии («Двадцать тысяч лье под водой»)

"- Тут, господин профессор, я должен буду дать вам некоторые разъяснения, - сказал капитан Немо. – Не угодно ли выслушать их?

Помолчав немного, он сказал:

- В природе существует могущественная сила, послушная, простая в обращении. Она применима в самых различных случаях, и на моём корабле всё подчинено ей. От неё исходит всё! Она освещает, отапливает, приводит в движение машины. Эта сила – электрическая энергия!».

Это научное открытие, естественно, актуально и в наше время. Люди используют электричество и в быту, и в различных производствах. Мы не сможем представить нашу жизнь без электрической энергии.

Жаркова Полина, ученица 8 «А» класса МБОУ «Лицей № 4 «Многопрофильный» г. Пскова

Voila l'extrait d’œvre de Jules Verne "Vingt mille lieues sous les mers" sur la navigation sous-marine et les dimensions uniques de l'électricité

"Vingt mille lieues sous les mers”

Chapitre 12

Tout par l’électricité

«Les uns vous sont connus, tels que le thermomètrequi donne la température intérieure du Nautilus; le baromètre, qui pèse le poids de l’air et prédit les changements de temps; l’hygromètre, qui marque le degré de sécheresesse de l’atmosphère; le strome-glass, dont le mélange, en se décompasant, annonce l’arrivée des tempêtes; la boussole, qui dirige ma route; le sextant, qui la hauter du soleil m’apprend ma latitude; les chronomètres, qui me permettede calculer ma longitude; et enfin des lunettes de jour et de nuit, qui me servent à scruter tous les points de l’horizon, quand le Nautilus est remonté à la surface des flots.

  • - Ce sont les instruments habituels au navigateur, repondis-je, et j’en connais l’usage. Mais en voici d’autres qui repondent sans doute au exigences particulières du Nautilus. Ce cadran que j’aperçois et que parcourt une aiguille mobile, n’est-ce pas un manomètre?
  • - C’est un manomètre, en effet. Mis en communication avec l’eau dont il indique la pression extérieure, il me donne par làmême la profonder à laquelle se maintient mon appareil.
  • - Et ces sondes d’une nouvelle espèce?
  • - Ce sont des sondes thermométriques qui rapportent la températute des diverses couhes d’eau.
  • - Et ces autres instrumentsdont je ne devine pasl’empois?
  • - Ici, monsieur le proffeseur, je dois vous donne quelques explications, dit le capitaine Nemo. Veuillez donc m’ecouter.
  • - Il garda le silence pendant quelques instants, puis il dit: «Il est agent puissant, obéissant, rapide, facile, qui se plie à tous les usages et qui règne en mâtre à mon bord. Tout se fait par lui. Il m’ èclaire, il me chauffe, il est l’âme de mes appareils mécaniques. Cet agent, c’électricité.
  • - L’électricité ! m’écriai-je assez surpris.
  • - Oui, monsieur.
  • - Cependent, capitaine,vous possédez une extrême rapidité de mouvements qui s’accodre mal avec le pouvoir de l’électricité. Jusqu’ici, sa puissance dinamique est restée très restreinte et n’a pu produire que de petites forces!
  • - Monsieur le professeur, répondit le capitaine Nemo, mon élecrticité n’est pas celle de tot le monde, et c’est là tous ce que vous me permettrez de vous en dire.


Mon opinion sur inventions et cette œvre de Jules Verne:

a) Jules Verne a fait de nombreuses découvertes qui existent et se dévloppent aujourd'hui avec succès. Dans cet extrait du roman “Vingt mille lieues sous les mers", l'auteur nous décrit en détail les innovations techniques de la navigation sous-marine du XIXème siècle,y ajoutant «l'image technologique du «Nautilus»» avec ses éléments fantastiques.

b) je trouve que tous les innovations d’auteur ne sont pas daté, elles ont trouvé deja sa place au temps containporaine. En plus, aujourd’hui nous pouvons observer le développement des découvertes technologiques d'auteur. Au moment actuelle, le progrès technique de notre civilisation provoque maintenant les écrivains modernes aux nouvelles fantasies!

Merсi !

Алимова Элина Мурадовна,


библиотекарь Рязанской ОУНБ им. Горького

Jules Verne is a science fiction writer, a visionary, a fortune teller. He fantasized about technological progress, many people liked his ideas, and today we are surrounded by a lot of things from his "FANTASTIC" books

According to legend, when the writer once came to an appointment with the minister, the secretary invited him to sit down with these words: "After so many trips, you must be very tired."

Fans of the writer's talent had no doubt that he describes real journeys and the adventures of his characters are quite real.

In 1863, Jules Verne wrote the book "Paris in the XX century", in which he described in detail the car, fax machine and electric chair. The publisher returned the manuscript to him, calling him.

Jules Verne is a science fiction writer, a visionary, a fortune teller. He fantasized about technological progress, many people liked his ideas, and today we are surrounded by a lot of things from his "FANTASTIC" books.

Verne earned reader recognition as the founder of the science fiction genre. His fantasies were prophetic.

In novels that have become classics, - "From Earth to the Moon", "Around the Moon"; "20,000 leagues under the sea", "Mysterious Island", - Verne predicted space travel, submarines, helicopters, airplanes, artificial satellites, guided rockets with a jet engine.

All readers of science fiction know that most of the ideas of Jules Verne expressed in his works have long been realized, others continue to be embodied in our time, for example, modern projects of geothermal plants that use the internal heat of the Earth.

The famous science fiction writer wrote about this problem, which has become even more urgent in our time of energy crises, in the novel "500 million begums".

Кузнецова Анастасия, Кузнецова Анастасия, ученица 8 В класса МБОУ «Лицей № 4 Многопрофильный» г. Пскова